Monday, July 25, 2011


Upgrading from a small Sony Cybershot to a Nikon calls for a new chapter and a new look. I've been absent from taking photography and updating this site for a while, and it's time to get back to it.

I will be adding all the old photos back on, by category. This site will also be turning into more of a blog, or photographic diary, if you will. Each new group of photos will come with a story of how they came about, and the location.

Also, although I am keeping Silver Lining Photography as the name for my older material, I'd like to come up with a new name. Suggestions are welcome.

E-mail address is the same at Website address will remain the same. Running name right now is MRC Digital Photography, and you can find a Facebook group under that name.

I hope you enjoy my new blog.

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